Meet Ukrainian Action crew

Lisa Karamushka
Lisa Karamushka

Mother of two, Kyiv native, living in Dublin since 2013, brand manager, 3D-modeller, private entrepreneur, translator from Italian, hiker, writer, full-time volunteer since Euromaidan.

Olena Redrugina
Olena Redrugina

IT professional. Woman in IT 2018. Mother of two. In Ireland since 2015. Passionate to share my love to modern Ukraine and to help Ukrainians win.

Anatoliiy Prymakov
Anatoliy Prymakov

BBA, financial services professional, Lysychansk native, spent most of my life in Ireland. My goal is to help Ukraine and to represent the Ukrainian community in Ireland.

Artem Nedostup
Artem Nedostup

MBA, tech geek, lifelong learner, music and history addict. Born in south-eastern Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia town. Moved to Ireland in 2014, mostly seen at Ukrainian events and around Wicklow mountains.

Ganna Bazilo
Ganna Bazilo
Board director

MA in European Politics and Governance, experienced programme manager and coordination expert with the focus on EU foreign and security policies and EU-funded projects. Kyiv native, moved to Ireland in March 2022. Woman of the Year in Ireland 2022 Special Recognition Award. Dreaming of Ukraine's  full membership in the EU and NATO.

Olga Khoroshevska
Olga Khoroshevska
Board director

Professional HR and project manager. A mum, a scout, volunteer.
In Ireland since 2019. My aim is to help people integrate into society and bring positive experience to country that welcomes us so warmly.

Oleksandra Pishcheiko
Oleksandra Pishcheiko

Born in Kyiv, moved to Ireland in 2016. Working days to build top quality Irish software, working nights to build Ukrainian communities in Ireland.

Fighting to win!

Oleksandra Pishcheiko
Olha Chekmaieva
Board director


Yuliia Yehorova
Yuliia Yehorova

Passionate marathon runner and  tech professional. Inspired by empowering and coaching people around me and have a creative view on strategic project management. I have been living in Ireland since 2017 and my goal is to help Ukrainians to build successful lives here.

Make a Difference
Let's work together to help Ukrainians in such a difficult time.
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